I Surrender
"Find me here
Lord as You draw me near
Desperate for You
Desperate for You
I surrender"
'I Surrender', Hillsong United.
This song is one in particular that I find myself listening to over and over again. The words "Find me here" remind me of the bible verse Luke 19:10, which reads, 'For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost.' God is seeking us out. He knows us. We are on his heart. He doesn't just look at us as a huge group of believers and non-belivers, x-amount of people each group. He knows every single one of us individually. He knows how many hairs we have on our head. He knows whether we like ice cream over cake, or neither. The cool thing about that is, is that His love for us is unconditional no matter what. He knows more about us then we even know ourselves, and He came down out of a perfect place, and died- yes, died- for everyone, whether they love him back or not.
"Lord as You draw me near, Desperate for You, Desperate for You"- Psalm 65:4. 'Blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your Holy Temple.' Our Lord draws us near, so that we can have peace, and rest in him. If that thought doesn't boggle my mind, I don't know what will.
"I surrender"- Surrender? What does it mean to surrender? You want me to sacrifice my life, my house, my boyfriend, my money, for some God who loves me? Yes. That's exactly what I want you to do. Surrendering is not easy. Giving up the things we are consumed of in this world, is not easy. If anything, it can break your heart to give it all away. But it will be heart wrenching if you decide to keep your Earthly life and your life in Christ separate. In Youth Group this past week we discussed what it meant to surrender. And this very song would not get out of my head. Surrendering is the "line" you will pass between, 'Hello, My name is So-and- So and I love the Lord', and being able to say, 'Hello, I am a Child of the one True King.' Surrendering your all to Christ is a huge step on the staircase to being His. But you are not alone. The Lord will guide your step.
So in conclusion, The Lord has found us. He has drawn us near to him. And now we must surrender.
Until the whole world hears.
(Originally published June 10, 2016.)