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What does your music say about your Spiritual life?

I love music, I love to sit at a local coffee shop with Hillsong United blasting in my ears, (currently doing that as I write to y'all.) I love to have some friends over and jam out around the campfire with a guitar and about 7 different voices singing Weezer. I even love to break out in dance, on occasion, while I'm in the grocery store and I hear my old 2013 jam come on. Music can make you feel a certain way, you can relate to it on a personal level, and it can sometimes help you to better understand how you feel.

I have found the music you listen to impacts your life, more then most would think. Now, I'm not saying that listening to Country or Rap, or Pop music, or anything non-Christian is a sin, because it is okay to listen to that, I do it often. But I am saying that it is important to be careful about the things you are listening to, and the words that you let your heart dwell on.

Every now and then, when I'm listening to a one of my spiritual band-jams, I come across a song that I cannot get out of my head. It happens in many ways, once I was on a local retreat with my youth group and a local praise band, of a college group nearby, sang a song throughout the weekend, that I'd never heard before. Even after the weekend was over every time I thought of it, I would tear up. Another time, I was simply in a class during the day and I was letting the playlist play and a very familiar sounding song came on and I simply couldn't soak it up enough. There was also a time in youth one Wednesday when we were singing a new song we hadn't sung there before. And while up there leading the song, I found myself smiling ear to ear, every voice in the room was belting out the words. It was strong, and very, very real. When something like this happens, I cannot get that song out of my head. I replay the chorus in my head a thousand times, and play it over and over throughout that week or even month. I feel that it is Christ speaking to me through the lyrics, not only because it makes me emotional but also because the words leave a mark on my heart.

And because of that here is a list of my spiritual jams of the moment...

´Broken Vessels´ By Hillsong United.

´Set a Fire´ By Will Regan and United Pursuit Band.

´Even When It Hurts´ by Hillsong United.

´Holy Spirit´ by Jesus Culture.

´Rooftops´ by Jesus Culture.

´Fierce´ by Jesus Culture.

´Come to the River´ by Housefires 2.

´The Wick´ by Housefires 2.

My prayer that you have a similar experience when it comes to Christ and your relationship with Him. Worship Him with every last breath of your soul.

Until the whole world hears.

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