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My:Ministry Mission Trip 2017

When coming back from any Mission Trip, it is so easy to fall into this Mission Trip "High." You've just spent a whole week serving, you are inspired to go share the gospel with everyone, but it usually rubs off after a few days. I call it the MM, or "Mission Mood."

Yesterday my Youth Group and I got back from our 3rd annual Mission Trip to North Carolina. Like I talked about in last years blog, click to view, we worked with the same three ministries in that area. The Rowan Helping Ministries, a local food kitchen where we packaged food, cleaned, and helped give food away to the homeless. The Mission House Church, a church plant, whom this year we partnered with to host a VBS. And last, but definitely not least, Sole Hope.

Something really unique about the VBS this year was that it was Sole Hope themed! So it was loving on kids, and Sole Hope combined! My two favorite things! We got to decorate the church like an African tribal theme, and each family group and station were themed to different aspects of Sole Hope. For example, the families were themed as the different jobs at Sole Hope, i.e. the Educators, the Shoemakers, the Security, the Medical team, and the Tailors. And the Stations were things like Ugandan games, Clinic, and food that is recipes from Uganda. It was a lot of fun to share and educate about a ministry I'm so passionate about.

A select few from the youth group also went with my youth pastor to take part in a special project. He would take two people at a time to go and pray, and write down whatever they felt God was saying. And then do it. No matter what it was God was asking. It was a really neat experience. Especially when all three people in my group felt like God was asking us to go and pray on our knees for one person in particular.

God works in mysterious ways, and sometimes in ways not everyone understands. On Friday, we went on a pray walk in some of the roughest areas of the town we were in. And while it was scary, it was filled with hope, and light. Our whole youth group was brought to our knees in tears, and we were all found comforting and praying over and over for each other.

I would venture to claim that God worked in mighty ways, in me, and in our youth group. It was the start of a revival, an explosion of passion in our youth group for the Lord.

Thank you for all your prayers this week.


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