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A Catch-Up Blog Post

Last Year's Mission Trip!

Hello my friends! It's been a while! So much has happened since I last posted. Welcome back to Jesus Calling! I wanted to tell you guys about a few things. First off, this summer I will be going on two mission trips this summer. One, with my youth group and then the other with a team from my church.

Next week, my youth group and I depart for Year 3 of our North Carolina Mission Trips. We will be working with Sole Hope and a local church plant, just like we did last year, but this time we will be hosting a Sole Hope themed VBS for the kiddos in the area.

And in July I will be heading off with a team of all different aged Mount Members to Haiti! We will be working with the Hands&Feet organizations. This will be my first time out of the country!

More updates to come on each of those trips soon! I love you guys!

I'll leave you with this,

At all times we need to be ready and able to hear the whisper of God, the ways He talks to us are not always big bright signs. Are you ready to hear the whisper of Christ? It might be a tiny little nudge in you, listen to it.

Until the whole world hears.

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