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Our God Is For Us

Figures that the day before I leave for my Mission Trip, to North Carolina, that Satan chooses this time to attack my heart and put it under spiritual warfare. The day before I leave to show the kindness and love of Jesus Christ, he attacks. Evil doesn't want the Good News spread. But we must fight back.

We cannot let the Devil attack us and rip our hearts to shreds. No matter the stress, no matter the circumstance, we must fight back. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. And, if our God is for us, then what could ever stop us? If our God is for us, then who could stand against us?

Let the truths of The Word sink in.

In times of trial, look to the skies and rejoice in the Lord. It will not always be easy, but it will always be possible.

God is going to do unimaginable things this next week, with my team as we serve in North Carolina. I feel him speaking those truths just mentioned into my heart. Prepare my heart O Lord, to hear You- to be your eyes and ears to everyone who might cross the path you have laid out for me.

Please be my prayer partner as I travel to North Carolina! I will post a new Blog as soon as I return, telling you all about this trip!

Until the whole world hears.

(Originally published June 24, 2016.)

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