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Refuge In Christ

Psalm 16:1-2

"Preserve me, O God,

for in you I take refuge.

I say to the Lord,

'You are my Lord;

I have no good apart from you.'"

Life is insane. There will be things you will forget. There will be people you have to say no to. You can over-book your agenda. You can push away your "you-time". You might even hold off on your daily devotion-for the 4th day in a row. Sometimes in the midst of the race we run, to please others, and get things accomplished, we forget to take a minute and breathe. We forget to step back, pick up our Bible, or get on our knees, and have time with Christ.

Christ lets us know in his Word that we are able to take refuge in him. He is our Lord. We have no good apart from him. Do you know that song "Proof Of Your Love" by For King And Country? In writing this, one of those verses stand out to me. It reads straight out of 1 Corinthians 13. 'So, no matter what I say, no matter what I believe, and no matter what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.' The bible also tells us that that God is love; 1 John 4:16. Hmm...Connection. I'm bankrupt without God. We have no good apart from him. I'm no theologian, but I believe God knew what he was doing when he wrote those words into the Holy Word.

God is mysterious and he works in ways I will never have the ability to comprehend. I serve a truly amazing God.

Until the whole world hears.

(Originally published June 11, 2016.)

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